30 Best Christian Mom Blogs

I've now been blogging for 1.5 years and I honestly am amazed by how God is working in the blogging community. There are so many ministry leaders, movers and shakers who are using the Internet for God's glory. If you are searching for the Internet's Best Christian Mom blogs, I hope you find some new ministries to follow through this list!30 Best Christian Mom Blogs - Christ Centered Mama Sarah Hardee #christianmomblogger #christianmom #christianblogger #blogger

Best Christian Mom BlogsChristian Parenting Blogs:

1. Sally Clarkson

Sally Clarkson is the mother of four grown children who follow God. She and her husband Clay started Whole Heart Ministries in 1994 to help Christian parents raise wholehearted children for Christ. She is a popular author, speaker, blogger, and podcaster. Through Mom Heart Ministry she seeks to restore moms' hearts to God's heart for motherhood.sallyclarkson.com 

2. Ramblings of a Christian Mom

Blogging about the ups and downs of raising and homeschooling a houseful of littles, striving to grow closer to God.ramblingsmom.com 

3. The Better Mom - with Ruth Schwenk

The Better Mom Community is a place where we as moms can come together in the midst of our not-so-perfect lives to grow in grace and wisdom as we live out our calling as moms. I am soooo glad you are here! I so wish we were sitting across the table from one another, sipping (or gulping ---who am I kidding?!) coffee and chatting about life, but this is the next best thing right?thebettermom.com 

4. Becky Thompson - Scissortail Silk

Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma's Heart. Becky Thompson is the author of Grace Unending and Hope Unfolding. She started her blog as a fashion blog but God asked her to change directions. She had a book deal within a year.beckythompson.com 

5. The Busy Mom - Heidi St. John

Heidi's ability to bypass our prejudices and preconceptions allows her to speak directly to the heart of every reader as she offers wisdom, inspiration and grace to those who are all-too-often feeling overwhelmed by all that's on their plate.thebusymom.com 

6. The Humbled Homemaker

Erin Odem blogs about motherhood, specifically being a stay-at-home mom, healthy living and cooking, and faith. She just released a book "You Can Stay Home With Your Kids" in April 2018.thehumbledhomemaker.com 

7. Natasha Crain - Christian Mom Thoughts

Natasha Crain has been blogging since 2011 and writes mostly about Christian parenting in a secular world, with an emphasis on apologetics.Christianmomthoughts.com 

8. Risen Motherhood

One second, we think we're doing a good enough job, the next we're the worst mom on the planet. Which is why we need the refreshing truth of the gospel repeated over and over—giving us hope in the everyday moments.
Risen Motherhood is a community of women who desire more out of motherhood.


9. God-Centered Mom

A space where you and I can admit we're not perfect, God-centered moms, but in-process ones.Godcenteredmom.com

10. Sacred Ground, Sticky Floors

Lighthearted and encouraging, Jami shares her walk with God, parenting stories (including foster care), recipes, and lunacy.sacredgroundstickyfloors.com

11. Courageous Mom

The vision for Courageous Mom is to encourage women towards Biblical parenting and marriage in a world that opposes Christian living.courageousmom.comBest Christian Mom Blogs - read more: 24 Bible Verses About Family

12. Sanctification and Spitup

Quinn is a wife, blogger and boymom with a degree in marriage and family therapy. She writes about her crazy parenting journey. My favorite line in her bio is: "Here’s to growing into the woman God calls me to be with spit up on my shirt and a tantruming child at my feet."sanctificationandspitup.com

13. Surviving Toddlerhood

Rebekah specializes in encouragement to moms, allergen free recipes, tips for healthy and natural living, and postpartum information.survivingtoddlerhood.com

14. Hargraves Home & Hearth

Rebekah writes about Biblical Womanhood, motherhood, and marriage. She has a podcast with the same name, and has released a book called Lies Moms Believe and How the Gospel refutes them.hargraveshomeandhearth.com

15. Reformed Mama

Cassie is reformed in her theology and has lots of practical tips and resources on how to pass down your faith to your children, reformed or not.reformedmama.com

16. Small Town Soul

Abbey is passionate about writing to women and walking alongside them in faith, motherhood, and natural living.smalltownsoul.net

Best Christian Mom Blogs:Christian Marriage Blogs

Christian Mom Blogs also often cover marriage topics. Here's some of the biggest blogs as well as some of my favorite Christian Mom blogs that primarily cover marriage topics.

17. Unveiled Wife

Jennifer Smith began UnveiledWife.com, a web-based ministry for wives, in March 2011. She publishes weekly marriage articles including encouragements, devotions, and prayers of the day. She authored The Unveiled Wife, Wife After God, and 31 Prayers For My Husband. Jennifer is passionately devoted to encouraging wives all around the world to develop God-centered marriages. Jennifer and her family reside in Central Oregon.unveiledwife.com 

18. Time Warp Wife

I'm Facebook friends with Darlene Schacht, so I'm partial to this particular Christian mom blog... :)Her bio: "I'm an Evangelical Christian whose number one priority is to serve Jesus Christ in every area of my life. My husband Michael and I live in Manitoba Canada. Married 25 years, we have four children (three still at home), a bird and two pugs who are everyone's babies, especially mine! Our lives are basically surrounded with three things: our faith, music and everything books. I’m an award winning and New York Times best-selling author who is nothing without the grace of God."timewarpwife.com 

19. Young Wife's Guide

Jami is one of the biggest reasons that I started a blog!Her bio: "Boy mom of five, Jami is passionate about encouraging women to craft Gospel-Centered homes based on Titus 2."youngwifesguide.com 

20. Married By His Grace

About Carmen: "I am Carmen, the person behind the blog. I am passionate about marriage & parenting all under the grace of God. Without Him, its get's a whole lot messier! This is a place focused on our calling to ministry as a wife, mom, and a lover of His word. In between it all, I teach new bloggers how to build with a purpose."marriedbyhisgrace.com  

21. To Love Honor & Vacuum

A Christian marital sex blogger? Did you know there was such a thing? I personally am glad because I've found so many helpful answers and tips on her blog, both sexual and not.tolovehonorandvacuum.com  

Best Christian Mom Blogs:General Christian Womanhood Blogs

22. Arabah Joy

Arabah's goal is to "help women grow in intimacy with God so they live lives of purpose, joy, and passion, and leave a legacy of faith and strength for others to follow."arabahjoy.com 

23.  Women Living Well

Courtney Joseph runs an international ministry and has written Bible Studies on several books of the Bible.womenlivingwell.org 

23. Angela J Herrington

Angela J Herrington loves helping women find freedom and fulfillment in their God given calling. She coaches Christian women and teaches businesses how to tap into the power of digital marketing to grow their business and increase their impact.angelajherrington.com 

24. From Blacktop to Dirt Road

Lauren is a blogger and author, living intentionally for Jesus, with a desire to give heartfelt encouragement to the everyday mama and wife. Here at From Blacktop to Dirt Road, she writes about all things Faith*Farm*Old Fashioned Homemaking.fromblacktoptodirtroad.com 

25. Radical Christian Woman

Head covering Christian woman who loves good coffee and stinky cheese. My favorite dessert is Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake. I am a Christian author, blogger, and speaker. I fell in love with my husband because he had rain drops on his glasses (true story). In my spare time I homeschool my seven children (5 girls, 2 boys).radicalchristianwoman.com 

26. Kaylene Yoder

Kaylene Yoder seeks to encourage women of all stages, whether wife, mom, or homemaker to pursue wisdom and grace.kayleneyoder.com 

27. Compared To Who? Heather Creekmore

"Hi! I’m Heather Creekmore--a wife, a mom of four, an author, a speaker, a grammar rebel, a Netflix failed baker . . . Oh, and I’m a former comparer!"
Heather released her book "Compared To Who?" which asks women to go past the cliches and truly stop comparing.


28. Phylicia Masonheimer

"I write to teach women how to overcome by the power of God in singleness, dating, marriage, work, and motherhood. Learn how to preach the gospel with your life and live on a higher plane." Check out her active Instagram.phyliciamasonheimer.com 

29. Gracefilled Growth

My college friend Sarah Lango ministers to women through Gracefilled Growth. Gracefilled Growth is an inspirational faith-based blog, filled with authenticity, and the reality that life is messy and nobody has it all together. BUT, together we learn as we go.gracefilledgrowth.com 30 Best Christian Mom Blogs - Christ Centered Mama Sarah Hardee #christianmomblogger #christianmom #christianblogger #blogger

Best Christian Mom Blogs:

What about you?

Do have any Christian Mom Blogs to add to this Best Christian Mom Blogs list? Which of these do you follow? If I make a second list, would you want your blog to be listed? If so, add the name of your Best Christian Mom Blogs below, and I might be able to include it! Check out some of these popular blog posts:Please don't tell struggling moms to "enjoy every moment"5 Things Your Husband Needs To Hear Every Day7 Signs You're a Great Mom and Don't Know ItHow I Make Money By Running a Christian Blog


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