5 Prayers for Your Unborn Child

40 weeks, nearly 10 months of expectation and longing... all to bring a precious child into this world. It's emotional, all-encompassing, and an incredible opportunity to trust our Perfect Father. Join me in these 5 Prayers for Your Unborn Child.

I am due with my 3rd child; a son, in either late December 2021 or early January 2022. Join me in praying for both your child and mine!

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Father, I prayed for another child and in Your graciousness You gave me a child. Thank You for the way You already know Him - every bone, muscle, ligament and cell. I pray that this child will share and proclaim Your story throughout his childhood and adulthood. I pray that he will be joyful and peaceful growing up in Your love. Continue developing and strengthening him these last weeks. Thank You for your life and breath. Amen.

See also: Praying For Your Children From Head To Toe

A Prayer for Health

Father, thank You for this child. God, as the Great Physician, You have knit this child together in my womb. I pray for my child's head, eyes, mouth, nose, for my child's spine and nervous system, for his arms, elbows, wrists, fingers, legs, knees, down to his toes. I pray that my child is born at a healthy weight. Let my child use their body to serve and glorify You through their whole life. The miracle of life is astounding and I am so thankful for Your gift. Thank you for my child's health and testimony though it all.

See also: Motherhood is Sanctifying – How Being A Mom Makes Us More Like Jesus

A Prayer Preparing for Labor

Dear Lord, You know all about the process of labor... more so than any earthly doctor or midwife. I pray that You will turn my baby’s head down. Keep my child safe, turned head down, and keep the umbilical cord free and loose through the delivery. God, You are completely sovereign and know everything that is going on with my body and my baby. Please help me to be patient and even enjoy these last few days of pregnancy as You prepare my child. You know his perfect birthday. I am so anxious to see and hold my baby that I can barely wait another day. Labor can be intimidating, but through Your peace and presence, I pray that the laboring will bring my child here, whole and healthy, one breath at a time. Give us grace for the trial of labor. Give my doctor/midwife and support system wisdom, grace, and strength through the whole process. Amen.

See also: 7 Biblical Prayers Every Parent Should Say For Their Child

A Prayer To Pray Nearing Your Due Date

Father, I've been looking forward to this day for months. This week is my due date. I thank You for helping me make it to this mark of full term in my pregnancy. I am looking forward to lovingly welcome the baby You have given us into our home. Walk me through the process of labor with grace and strength in Your name. Give the medical/support staff wisdom and patience through my laboring. Let me see Your face through labor, and sense Your presence, and strengthen me through the toughest parts of the birth. I want to trust You, God. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Also read: 18 Bible Verses About Anxiety

A Prayer to Pray if Your Baby is Late

Dear Lord, it seems like I've been waiting for this child for the longest time. My body is getting uncomfortable and I'm trying hard to be patient for the day You have chosen to be this child's birthday. Please let it be soon. You have knit this child together in my womb for over 40 weeks now and You know exactly what is needed. Jesus, give me peace and rest during these lingering moments before the baby arrives. I trust in You to organize just the perfect people to help me deliver this child. Please allow me to bring this baby into the world in the way that is best for my baby, whether natural or C-section. Thank You for Your perfect timing, and continue to give me patience and love for my family in these moments full of expectation and suspense. I love you God. Amen.

See also: How to Set the Spiritual Tone In Your Household

5 Prayers for Your Unborn Child

Thank you for joining me in prayer! What prayers do you have for your child? Feel free to share below.


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