How to Set the Spiritual Tone In Your Household

I know what you’re thinking.

Setting the spiritual tone in your household, you say?

Surely she is going to tell me to get up early and do my daily devotions (because of course all children stay in bed until that’s done), pull together a nightly family worship time boasting homemade hymnal books and a guitar (obviously), and memorize Deuteronomy 6 because we all know good Christian parenting derives from that chapter alone.

Well, all of those things are good and fine, but no, sweet mama, there’s so much more I want to tell you about setting the spiritual tone in your household.

First, let me be clear. I’m not suggesting you be the spiritual leader of your home, as that is your husband’s God-given role (1 Corinthians 11:3). Rather, I want to encourage you to consider your God-given role, as wife and mother, to provide a space and atmosphere, which will allow your husband and children to thrive spiritually.

Today, I want to give you three tangible ways to set the spiritual tone in your household that are easy enough to apply no matter if the baby is napping on your shoulder or your toddler is throwing an epic tantrum.

Walk With Christ Daily

Maybe you’ve heard these catchy phrases “happy wife, happy life” or “if mama ain’t happy, ain’t no one’s happy”. And while it’s cute and funny to think about, it’s also extremely true, isn’t it?! I find that in my own household my attitude and feelings can alter the atmosphere in our home in a snap. While I seek to set the tone of joy, kindness and peace, often times my attitude and feelings can bring stress and tension. Take a deep breath mama, because we too, are only human. God knows this. 

When I keep my walk with Christ a priority in my day, I can see God changing the temperature of my household through me. And that is a good thing, because we cannot do this alone. We need the strength and grace of Christ to keep our eyes focused on Him (Romans 8:5).

It is not easy to care for all the demands of the little people in your life, tend to work duties inside and outside of the home, and maintain a healthy marriage while still making time to care for yourself. Let God be the one to carry your household (1 Peter 5:6-7). 

So what does this look like in the daily life of a mother, you may ask? It may look like playing worship music in the background while you make breakfast. Maybe it's picking out one verse to meditate on all day long as you go about your duties. Or it may look like setting reminders on your phone to reflect on a character trait of God or listening to a podcast sermon while changing diapers. 

Connecting with God in small ways during these motherhood moments, will add up and draw you closer and deeper into relationship with Him. I cannot guarantee that it will change the chaos but it will absolutely change how you handle it. 

Pray for Your Husband

Prayer is one of the most intimate ways to connect with God. When was the last time you intentionally prayed for your husband? As wives and mothers, we don’t often think about praying for our spouse consistently. Life is busy, I get it. But guess what? God has created you to be his champion and helpmate (Genesis 2:18). He has given your husband the role of being the head of your household (1 Corinthians 11:3). Therefore, your prayers for your hubby are invaluable, helping him to draw closer to Christ and be the father and husband he is created to be.

Being your husband's prayer warrior is one of the best ways to connect with God and support your husband in such a gentle and spiritual way (1 Peter 3:3-4).

The Bible mentions many areas of life that you can begin to pray over your husband. Here are just a few to get you started:

  1. God would bless his hard work: Psalm 90:16-17
  2. He would stay faithful to Christ: Hebrews 12:1-2
  3. God’s guidance in decision-making: Proverbs 11:3
  4. Strength to lead: Joshua 1:7
  5. Protection physically, mentally and spiritually: Psalm 28:7-9

You will be amazed at how God will work through your prayers in his life and yours. One of my favorite things to do is pray for my husband because it is a joy to bring the love of my life before our almighty creator. The spiritual tone of your household will flow out of the prayers for your husband and God’s goodness.

See also: Praying for Your Children From Head to Toe

Always Confess and Forgive

This might seem like a no-brainer, especially when you’re in the season of young parenting. You probably feel like all you’re doing is breaking up fights and making kids apologize all. day. long. But let me shed some light on how this makes a huge impact eternally for God’s Kingdom.

Have you ever realized that this sequence of steps is the Gospel in action?! (1 John 1:9) The only way to pursue God in all His holiness and become His child is by confessing our sin and asking for forgiveness. When we demonstrate this daily (ehem, perhaps hourly), in our home and in our family relationships, we are bringing the Gospel to our household in a very tangible way. We are setting the stage for allowing our kids, our husband and ourselves to seek what God has to offer us through Jesus Christ. 

Forgiveness is key. Without forgiveness, there is no redemption. God has forgiven us! (Colossians 1:13-14) And we too need to offer that same forgiveness within our marriage and help our kids do the same in their sibling relationships. There is freedom in forgiveness, just as there is freedom in Christ!

Your Household Is God’s Household

It’s not easy to set the spiritual tone in your household and make it a priority. I’ll be the first to admit that! But when you seek God first in your daily life as a mother, it sets the spiritual tone for allowing your family to see what it looks like to approach the throne of God and desire to commit their lives to Him. 

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