Christian Blogging Tips from 12 Top Christian Bloggers

Blogging is so rewarding... and so difficult. Sometimes we can get discouraged in our blogging and we might even want to give up. I was inspired by my last post to gather some Christian blogging tips and advice from some of my favorite Christian bloggers... for me. And I guess I'll share them with you, as well! ;)12 Christian Blogging Tips from Christian Bloggers

Christian Blogging Tips 


Don't go solo:

"Join a like-minded blogging group on FB and gain that camaraderie and support, post consistently (whatever that means for you and your season of life - twice a week, once a week, once every other week, whatever), be real, and walk in faith, following the Lord's leading rather than just the wisdom of man when it comes to growing your blog."Rebekah HargravesHargraves Home and Hearth Hey, speaking of which, please consider joining the Christ-Centered Blogging Group on Facebook! 

Work/Life Balance:

"As a Christian blogger, I have had to come to the realization that I can NOT leave my other duties behind because I have an opportunity to minister to other mothers. I must first love God, love my husband, and love my family, then I may take the time to love other women in the season of littles. If I cannot keep up on things my blogging needs to be the first thing to go. If I am slacking in keeping my home in order, I need to reevaluate my priorities, because while God may have given me a small platform to share encouragement and understanding, he first gave me my husband and children first."Rebekah ThompsonSurviving Toddlerhood 

Speak the words that God has given you:

"Be vulnerable. Your audience can sense when you're putting on a front and when you're truly pouring out your heart and stewarding your story well by sharing it with others. Each and every story is a unique opportunity from God to tell of His goodness in sunshine and grace on the days when the rain just doesn't end. Telling the audience all, the good, bad, and the ugly, without sugar-coating or glossing over your shortcomings lets them see that you're a real person, allows them to connect with you and your work, gives God the glory in every circumstance."Bailey SuzioThe Thin Place "It is important to remember Who you write for and that is ultimately Jesus. My motto is "I write for an Audience of One and whomever He invites". That helps to keep you focused especially during times of discouragement. Always remember, even one person who is touched by the words you've written is worth it. When discouragement comes, and it surely will, don't listen to the voice of the enemy but rather remember Who called you to this ministry and then encourage yourself in the Word. Seek prayer but don't quit. Keep on doing what God has called you to do."Cindy BarnesGo Gather Grow "One thing I've learned about blogging is to simply be genuine. When I became a Christian Believer, and then a Pastor's wife, I had high expectations of who I needed to be and put great effort into squishing myself into that mold. In that process, I lost myself. It's taken many years to realize that God wants to use me in the way He uniquely created me. And the same stands true for you. In everyday life, He wants to use the quirky you who stumbles over words... the clumsy you who trips over her own feet... the one who snorts when she laughs and talks too loud. Your blog message is an extension of you being created uniquely in God’s design that will speak to the hearts of your readers. Life is too short to be a counterfeit you! Embrace who God has made you to be!"Lil StevensEmbracing the Lovely  

Engage with and reward your readers:

"Post consistently so that you build anticipation and it fosters interaction and engage with your readers by asking compelling questions that move them to respond to what you shared and apply it to their own lives. And who doesn't love prizes, so give something away for those who engage. My most recent post was about journaling and establishing 5 rules to live by and I'm giving away a journal. Super simple but they aren't giving easy or off the cuff answers. They're heartfelt responses."Megan LacefieldEveryday Pearls 

Be encouraged in your Christian blogging:

"As a Christian writer, we still need our content to be like a sticky burr that plants a seed. It's important to remember that how we write is equally important as what we write. Just like a sticky burr that travels on your dog's tail only to be planted in your backyard, our words must stick to our readers mind and later be planted for lasting growth. Take time to cultivate this in your writing, go through and highlight key phrases that are memorable and repetitive (just like that sticky burr), if they are lacking, as yourself (or a friend) to help you weave in a key repetitive phrase that'll stick in your readers mind. In the end, it's our desire and goal, as a Christian author, to plant seeds that grow and grow well."Jill MartinMartin Faith and Fitness

Be humble and willing:

"It's not about how well you write, how smart you are, or how many scriptures you can quote but about your heart behind the message. Keep your eyes focused on Christ, surround yourself with people that will support you, and be willing to say I don't have the answer but I know God does."Rebecca Williamson2 Hearts Desire  

Examine yourself, and be honest:

"Before you write an article, you should examine your own life, and see if you are exemplifying the topic you are writing about. For example: If you write about joy, is your own home filled with joy and are you pursuing it in your own life? We must live out what we write, and speak, and then only will our words truly touch the reader. Emphasis should not be placed on quantity but on the authenticity of your faith."Sue ChakoMama of Three Boys  

Keep your priorities straight:

"Blogging, like everything else in life, is about keeping Him first. Seek Him first and everything else: the words, the traffic, the income- in due time, and along with hard work and diligence, will all fall into place."Sarah GatesServant Mama "As a Christian blogger, writing is a ministry. Don't get caught up in stats. If your Christ-centered message impacts just one person, it's worth it. Do everything as unto the Lord."Sarah Lauren  "Write for God first. Your earthly audience might be ten people, but who really needed to hear what God is doing in your life. Secondly, learn as much as you can from a faith-based blogging group: graphics, content, technical stuff - we are as much the body of Christ online as a church might be. We need to mentor and support, not compete. God will bring the harvest. Just be in the planting seeds business. Building bridges to your readers involves getting really real. Don't pretend to be perfect. Be honest with your challenges and struggles."Jennifer DeFrates Heaven not Harvard 

and the last of the Christian blogging tips:

"It's an incredible privilege to be able to share the things of God with other people and it isn't something to take lightly. I've found that keeping myself in the Word and covering the writing I do in prayer is essential. I also appreciate that there is a vibrant and supportive community of other faith-based bloggers which exists. We need each other! The community and the accountability are important."Dawn 

What about you?

Top 12 Christian Blogging Tips from Christian Bloggers Were you as encouraged by these Christian blogging tips as I was?Was there one that especially spoke to your heart?Are you a Christian blogger with one of your own Christian blogging tips you'd like to share? 


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