Top 10 Best Christian Parenting Books

I 100% believe that anything worth doing well is worth studying. Parenting is worth doing well, so it's definitely worth studying. 

Check out this related post: How to be a Good Mom- The Bible's Definition


Wading through the swamp... My List of 10 Best Christian Parenting Books

 There are a LOT of parenting books out there and I've read some that I didn't agree with. These books are from publishers and authors I trust and have read.I will include Amazon links to each one and if you choose to purchase any through these links, I may get a small percentage of the purchase price, at no extra expense to you. These links to, my top 10 Best Christian Parenting Books help keep the lights on at Christ-Centered Mama!  Without further ado... Top 10 Best Christian Parenting Books Christ-Centered Mama Motherhood Gospel Focused Parenting Books for New Christian Parents on Amazon 

Top 10 Best Christian Parenting Books:


10. The 5 Love Languages of Children- The Secret to Loving Children Effectively

If you've ever felt like your child is a stranger in your home - that you can't quite seem to motivate your child the way you think they should be... they probably have a different love language than you. Different motivations and fears, and would respond better to a more tailored form of discipline. Speak your child's language with this #1 Bestselling Christian Parenting Books.       

9. Bringing Up Boys - Shaping the Next Generation of Men

So many young men are lost, without a cause. It seems our culture has made masculinity a four letter word.This book will help you raise godly men who will change the world.Dr. James Dobson has raised his own kids and has lead Focus on the Family for over 50 years. He's seen it all and has some great tips on how to raise pure boys in an unpure world. This book goes from birth to adulthood and is totally foundational!    

8. Bringing Up Girls- Shaping the Next Generation of Women

 Modern culture seeks to make girls into women sooner than ever before! And our girls feel this tension and have lots of questions. How do you answer these burning questions in your daughter's heart? Dr. James Dobson answers all of the questions you'll need to know as a Christian parent of a young lady.       

7. Raising Grateful Kids in an Ungrateful World

 When do you say "yes" and when do you say "no"? It's tough as a parent, and especially in our stuff-obsessed culture. When your kid's friends have all of the latest and greatest gadgets and clothes, it's hard to know how to raise a child to be IN the world but not OF the world. This book tackles this important issue and helps you raise your child in a truly countercultural way.      

6. Boundaries with Kids: When to Say Yes, When to Say No, to Help Your Children Gain Control of Their Lives 

Kids so desperately need boundaries! Trouble-making kids often do so because they are seeking just where the boundaries really are. And this isn't a bad thing! As a Christian parent, you can help guide your child into a life with healthy boundaries, and as an adult, they will thank you for it.        

5. Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!

Rushed, overbooked, and busy. Not just out of the home, but also in the home. And to our children's detriment. This resource is a refreshing reminder to put down your phone and pick up your kids. Or at least give them eye-contact. :) And maybe throw away your planner. Read it and see how you might change your mind about your parenting and scheduling methods. Help your kids focus on Christ.      

4. Missional Motherhood: The Everyday Ministry of Motherhood in the Grand Plan of God

Number 4 on the list of 10 Best Christian Parenting Books is one of my favorites, by Gloria Furman, a ministry wife living in the Middle East.Laundry. Dishes. Diaper changes. Cooking. Repeat. Right? How can this be a ministry? (And, in my case... did I really go to college for this?! What will God ever use me for...) How can the grand plan of God be relevant to me, sitting here, wiping a runny nose for the 12th time today? Read and find true encouragement.      

3. Shepherding a Child's Heart

The word heart here is foundational- this book goes past the 'head' of Christian parenting, and goes into the 'heart'. After all, you don't want the right behavior just for the behavior itself. You want your child to grow up with a truly Biblical worldview, and that won't happen by accident.       

2. Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms 

 Your kids will learn how to have a relationship with God from you. Is that a terrifying thought? It is a true wonder and privilege. And maybe a little bit intimidating. How can you have a genuine relationship with our Father in Heaven when your hands are full? These Gospel meditations will fill your empty cup.I highly recommend this book!     and now for my number one choice on the 10 Best Christian Parenting Books... 

1.  Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

 If I could recommend one book for you, if you could only read one book on Christian parenthood... it would be this one. This book radically flipped everything I thought I knew about parenthood on its head...Paul David Tripp is a man focused on grace, and how it isn't just a pretty word that means nothing... Tripp knows that grace will RADICALLY change your life, your children, and your marriage. Check out his marriage book as well... it's amazing.I have underlined something on almost every page in this book. You'll love it. Christian Family Rules, Christian Motherhood Printable Frameable

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Top 10 Best Christian Parenting Books Christ-Centered Mama Motherhood Gospel Focused Parenting Books for New Christian Parents on AmazonWhat do you think about my list of 10 Best Christian Parenting Books? Do you agree with my choices? Which ones have you read and which ones are in your queue?Did you like this list or want to share with like-minded friends?

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