10 Reasons Why YOU Should Read the Bible

So, do you enjoy staying hydrated? I don't. It seems like a chore to drink water. I would much rather drink something with some flavor... like a Vanilla Coke, a hot fudge milkshake, or a Chai Tea Latte... (and I do, SOMETIMES) but I have to remind myself that I need to drink water anyway. And if I don't? I'll end up doing my body more harm than JUST the many grams of sugar I'm putting into my veins... I can actually dehydrate myself by drinking excess caffeine and sugar.Do you know what the symptoms of dehydration are?

  • Increased thirst.
  • Dry mouth and swollen tongue.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
  • Confusion.
  • Sluggishness fainting.
  • Fainting

(via Web MD/Google)Does any of this seem familiar to you? I know it does for me. I drink tea or pop all day long and am more and more thirsty...and tired... and sluggish... (wait isn't caffeine supposed to give you MORE energy?)I'm more thirsty...BUT FOR THE WRONG THING.I need to remind myself that I'll only satisfy my thirst by drinking REAL water.

It's just like that with God too. You get thirsty for other things and attempt to satisfy yourself with other things... only leaving yourself in a even more dehydrated state.Occasionally I get in slumps and need to remind myself to read the Bible, but God's good... once you are faithful and take even a sip or two for a week or so, it seems you keep wanting more and more! That's how the Holy Spirit works. You allow yourself to be open and soon you see your habits changing. Or as the Bible itself says it: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8.So please read and share this graphic, maybe it will inspire someone to read more from the Bible! God is so good and we will never understand His true depth... but the Bible has a lot to say about Him."Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." Jesus, as recorded in John 7:38Infographic, 10 Bible verses that say why you should read the Bible! 
So! What do you think? Have you seen all of these verses before? Are there any that I forgot? Which one is your favorite?In what ways can you quench your thirst this week, and why do you think that the Bible is important?  


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