Thank God for Grandmas

Thank God for Grandmas.

God made grandmas with a special purpose in mind: He needed someone to provide arms soft enough to rock babies to sleep yet strong enough to provide a shoulder to cry on.

My mom, mother-in-law, and stepmom have been there for my children: to help change diapers, watch kids for doctor's appointments, make fresh cookies with sprinkles, and gently correct in love. They have both been able to watch children when I have obligations and when I need a break. They have sacrificed their sleep, their schedule, and their solace for our sakes. From staying up all night with a colickly baby, to giving my children fun, new clothes in their closet otherwise full of hand-me-downs.

Grandmothers provide a sacred role in this journey of raising children. They are the support system for both parents and children.

They start by holding mom's hand, and when she lets go and builds her own family, she eagerly grasps both hands: mom and baby, without flinching.

She is a source of strength in a time when there is a lot of adjustments, tears, and worries.

When our children go through a difficult illness, when they have attitude problems, when they break a bone, when they have broken hearts...

They teach children truth through the kind of love that grandmothers give best.

See also: 9 Lies Satan Whispers To You About Your Motherhood

When we don't know what to do or how to react...

She's been there before.

She knows your pain.

She knows your love.

She's praying for you.

She's praying for your children.

Thank God for Grandmas because through her, He blesses us with smiles full of sunshine, arms full of love, and the wisdom to guide us through the trying times.

So, Grandma, Grammy, Meemie, Granny, Gram, MawMaw, thank you for your love. Thank you for your help. Thank you for teaching truth to my children when I forget how. We love you and appreciate you so much.

Thank God for Grandmas

This post brought to you by: The Dwell Journal

If you’re not sure where to start studying the Bible, or are struggling with being consistent in God’s Word, try this 12-week guided Bible study journal to help you get on a fulfilling and exciting path in your quiet time with the Lord. Through dwelling on God’s word, you’ll be rooted and established in Christ. Each week focuses on a different topic; areas that will convict you and encourage you to apply what you have learned as the Holy Spirit lives and moves through you to accomplish His work.

Inside this journal you’ll find a place to:

  • Write Bible verses for deeper reflection and internalization
  • Record what you learn as you study God’s Word
  • Reflect on ways to apply what you’ve read
  • Record things you are thankful for
  • Keep track of prayer requests and answered prayers

Dwelling in God’s word is exciting and enriching. Let’s dive into the Father’s love letter and see how it impacts our lives and the lives of those around us.

Get connected!

We want you to join the Christ-Centered Mamas Facebook group! Come and ask questions and be encouraged by other Christian moms. It was mainly this group that sourced the ideas for the Dwell Journal, so it’s a valuable and beautiful community to me, and to the other moms in the group!

We want you to join the Christ-Centered Mamas Facebook group! Come and ask questions and be encouraged by other Christian moms.

Thank God for Grandmas - A Love Letter To My Children's Grandmothers by Sarah Hardee Christ-Centered Mama Christian Motherhood

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