Pregnancy Changes Mom's DNA Forever - Pregnancy Miracle

They say that mothers carry their children with them forever.In the last 15 years, scientific journals have published some amazing findings.The scientific world might come to agree with moms all around the world- that they are never the same after pregnancy.And it's because if you've ever been pregnant, you are a microchimera. Pregnancy changes the Mom's DNA and other pregnancy and birth related miracles Christian Christ Centered Mama #christianmotherhood #christianmom #christianparenting #biblical #psalm139

What is a Microchimera?

Look around at the women in your family. Any woman who has ever been pregnant, even if she miscarried so early she never knew she was with child, is likely to be a microchimera (a person who carries the cells of another person).Wow! How poetic is that? Don't all mothers sense that they will never be the same after a pregnancy or child loss?Now we know that your children are biologically a part of you- for decades to come, maybe even for the rest of your life. Here's some more pregnancy and birth-related miracles and links to the sources and journals referenced. Get ready to have your mind blown! 

Pregnancy Miracle #1 -Your Child Carries A Biological History In His Or Her DNA, Including Sibling History

Fetal cells have the imprint of her child’s father and his ancestry and can be shared from one pregnancy to another. We know this is true because of those spit tests you can take through ancestry websites and services, but did you know this is true on an even deeper level?The cells of older siblings may even be present within younger siblings.  

Pregnancy Miracle #2-Bearing Sons Might Impact Your Health For The Better Or The Worse... For The Rest Of Your Life

If you have plenty of these fetal cells in your body, it might impact your fertility.

The cells may benefit the mother's health—by promoting tissue repair and improving the immune system—but may also cause adverse effects, such as autoimmune reactions.  Source

Presence of these cells can even determine how soon you might get pregnant again. See also: 9 Lies Satan Whispers To You About Your Motherhood  

Pregnancy Miracle #3-Boy-Moms Become Slightly More Biologically Male

And not for a couple weeks... A recent study showed a woman with male fetal cells present a few decades after a pregnancy, even though she didn't carry to term.Just a few male Y-chromosomes healed this woman from Hepatitis C... decades after her pregnancy. Here's the scientific journal that contains that case study.


Pregnancy Miracle #4-Your Fetal Cells Might Heal Your Mother

The amazement continues. One study claims that they found YOUR fetal cells may be found in YOUR MOTHER'S blood, bone marrow, skin, kidney, and liver.What's even better is that the Journal of Cell Science found that these fetal cells appear to “treat” her when she is ill or hurt.That case I mentioned above regarding the woman with Hepatitis C?She stopped treatment against medical advice. She survived and beat the disease. How?A liver biopsy showed “thousands of male cells". She had never had a blood transfusion or organ transplant. The medical team determined that these male cells were from a pregnancy that she terminated 17 to 19 years earlier.  

Pregnancy Miracle #5-Your Fetal Cells Might Prevent Diseases In Your Mother

There’s evidence that fetal cells might provide some protection against certain cancers. The fetal cells are much more abundant in the breast tissue of healthy women than in women with breast cancer.Fetal cells are less common in women who developed Alzheimer’s disease in their later years of life. It's even true that fetal cells can give stem cells to the mom, and generate new neurons in the mother’s brain. Fetal cells can even assist in healing her heart.Truly amazing.  

Pregnancy Miracle #6-Moms Might Just Live Longer

Overall, the presence of fetal cells in a woman’s body is associated with improved longevity. Women who have fetal cells present in their bodies have an average mortality rate 60 percent lower than women whose bodies don’t contain these cells. We heal our mothers and our children heal us. And what's amazing is that people hear all of this and don't think that human life is intelligently designed!  

God's Wisdom

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are Your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with You."Psalm 139:13-18

Praise God for this design, and thank Him for the scientists who are researching this amazing feature of motherhood. Pregnancy changes the Mom's DNA and other pregnancy miracle and birth related miracles Christian Christ Centered Mama #christianmotherhood #christianmom #christianparenting #biblical #psalm139


A Pregnancy Souvenir, Cells That Are Not Your Own- New York TimesBaby’s Cells Can Manipulate Mom’s Body for Decades- SmithsonianBearing Sons Can Alter Your Mind- Science Magazine 

What About You?

Which pregnancy miracle have you heard before? What do you think of mothers after you read these studies?  Here are some of my favorite items on Amazon for new and expecting moms. Christ-Centered Mama is partially funded by the sale of products recommended on Amazon and other favorite sites.  These products are genuinely ones that I enjoyed and will reference the books again! Thank you for using this link!


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