Prayers that God will always say YES to!

Prayers that will change your life.

Do you ever feel that God isn't answering your prayers? Do you feel that you are faithfully giving your concerns to God but it seems like they just don't get past your bedroom ceiling?Whether you believe it or not- it's true that God always answers prayers. Sometimes God's answer is something like "No, my child. That isn't My best for you."4 Prayers that God will always say yes to Christ Centered Mama - Prayers that will get answeredSometimes God's answer is something like, "No, my child. That isn't My best for you."Sometimes the answer is, "Wait." (As uncomfortable as that seems...) But there are things that God will always say YES to. Here are some of my favorite, most answered prayers.

"God, forgive me of my sins."

"O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help." -Psalm 86:5God wants you free you from your slavery to sin, not just through a new believer's first confession of sin. He also wants to forgive you of your sins throughout your life as a disciple of Christ.But you DO need to ask. Here's more on this. 

"God, use me to glorify Your name, even in my troubles."

Prayers that God will always say YES to! Prayers that will change your life. Do you ever feel that God isn’t answering your prayers? Do you feel that you are faithfully giving your concerns to God but it seems like they just don’t get past your bedroom ceiling?  Whether you believe it or not- it’s true that God always answers prayers. Sometimes God’s answer is something like “No, my child. That isn’t My best for you.” Life-transforming prayers and Christian Living and Christian Motherhood at Christ-Centered Mama"And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness." -Acts 4:29Our goal as Christians should be to serve others as Christ served His disciples. Jesus said to love our enemies and to put others before ourselves- even when it was hard.When troubles come in your life- try to use them as an opportunity to grow, not grumble.

"God, make me like You."

 "Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is." -1 John 3:2Do you want to look more like Christ? If you are saved, you will desire this more and more in your life with each passing year of your sanctification. (Sanctification = becoming more like Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit).

"God, get me out of this temptation."

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." -1 Corinthians 10:13God will always provide a way out from your temptation- you don't have to give in. This is commonly misinterpreted as "God will never give you more than you can handle" - this isn't true for several reasons... read more here.  

What do you think?

 Do you spend time in prayer? Do you struggle with hearing God's voice? Share some prayer success stories below to encourage others.  These are some of my favorite authors and books on prayer- these books are ones that I genuinely recommend. If you purchase through these links, I will receive a small percentage of your normal sale price- it doesn't affect your price at all, but it helps the costs of website maintenance.


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