Light of the World - Names of Christ Advent Series

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” -John 8:12 (NIV)Have you ever guessed at something in the dark, only to find out you were way off from the truth? I have.Why is Jesus called the light of the world_ - Christ Centered Mama #christianity #Jesus #JesusChrist #christmasI remember one sleepless night, several years ago, when my kids were younger, where I woke up with a sore back and a surprise- all because of an incorrect assumption I made about something I couldn’t see in the dark.It’s a silly story, but I promise, I’m going somewhere with this. First, some context: there’s a cat named Baby who lives at my house. She thinks she’s in charge. Okay, correction: she is in charge. But somehow, we still like the little diva (she’s very cute), even if she does drives us all a little crazy. Baby has a voice that’s so loud, it sounds like she’s using a megaphone when she meows. She likes to use that voice in the wee hours of the morning to demand that someone get up and turn on the water from the bathroom faucet. Apparently, only fresh, running, water will do for her.On this particular night, I remember laying in the dark, on the very edge of the bed, wanting to roll over, and wanting to stretch out, but staying very still instead. The reason? I could feel a weight on top of the covers near my legs which was the approximate weight and mass of my cat. I didn’t want to wake her, so I didn’t move. It wasn’t because I’m super considerate (I’m not that nice). I just didn’t want her to wake up and have her start meowing. I wanted to sleep. Except, I couldn’t sleep, because I was growing increasingly more and more uncomfortable as the night hours wore on and I stayed in one position.By the time morning came around, I was feeling kind of grumpy about the whole thing. As the early light began to brighten the room, it uncovered what I couldn’t see before. I looked around, slightly bitter, that I had spent the entire night, not moving, and not sleeping, all in an effort to keep the cat asleep.

But I was wrong.

Instead of a cat, by my feet, was a toy tiger!Yes. As if being so accommodating, for a spoiled cat wasn’t bad enough. The truth was, I had done all that for a plastic toy! I felt more than a little foolish, but I was able to have a laugh at my own expense.There are other, more serious examples about what can happen when we make guesses about what’s in the dark. A car on a lonely dark road at night most certainly needs working lights, or it could easily drive off the road.My husband climbed Mt. Rainier this summer. The climb to the summit started in the middle of the night- so his group used headlamps as they made their way along the side of an icy cliff. The light from those lamps, exposing the narrow path, was a matter of life or death.

Light exposes the truth.

Stumbling around in the dark and making guesses as to what’s out there not only brings unnecessary difficulties to our lives, but it can be downright dangerous- because we can’t see the truth.

Light brings life.

Every living thing grows toward the light: plants and animals. Deprive either of these of light long enough, and they will eventually die.These statements are true in terms of both the physical and spiritual realms.

So why is Jesus called the Light of the World?

 When Jesus said in John 8: 12 that he is the light of the world, it means:

  1. Without Jesus, we’re just stumbling around in the dark. He exposes the truth.

The truth is found in God’s Word, the Bible, which is the story of Jesus. By this light, the truth of what it means to be without sin is shown through Jesus’s example of how he lived his life on earth. The truth of how devastating our sin really is, and the impossibility of our reconciliation with God, without Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf, is shown, through the Law and our inability to uphold it. And the truth of how deep the Father’s love for us, is shown in the person of Jesus, who is, the very definition of love.

  1. Jesus brings life.

Not only does Jesus expose the truth, but he is the truth. We are born into a world of darkness and sin. Our sin nature is exposed by the light of Jesus- but he doesn’t stop there. When we follow the Light, we repent of our sin and Jesus forgives us, reconciling us to his Father, God, as he intercedes on our behalf. He replaces our former sin nature with new life, an eternal life, that never dies, and we are given a heart that is drawn toward him, where the law is written in our hearts. We then grow in this Light, becoming more like Jesus, as we live for his glory and the glory of his Father.Eternal life. Heaven or Hell. Living the truth of God’s plan for your life, right now, a life of abundance and joy through Jesus…these are not insignificant matters. These are matters of life or death, and they’re not anything you want to be making guesses at in the dark. Look to Jesus.There is no other light in this world but Jesus. I pray that this truth brings you hope and peace as you follow him, and I pray, that if you are still stumbling around in the dark, that these words will encourage you to seek the Light.One final note: Not only is Jesus the light of the world, but he calls those who walk in his light to be lights, too, (Matthew 5:14-16). Like the moon, we have no light of our own, but we can reflect the Light of Jesus so that others can see him in us and be drawn to him. Be a light.  

About the Author:

Dawn is a freelance writer and Christian blogger who loves encouraging women to keep their focus on Jesus. She’s the author of Look to Jesus: How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God. She’s a wife and mom to two teens. A Seattle girl, she loves books and coffee. You can find her at   This is the third in the series of the Names of Christ. Check out the rest of the series and their authors here (links will be updated as they publish)Christ Centered Mama Christmas Advent Guest Blog Series I Am by Christ-Centered MamaThe Word by Lauren GaskillLight of the World by Dawn KlingeWonderful Counselor by Jessie of One Lost CoinBread of Life by Darlene of Time Warp WifeWay, Truth, Life by Sara of The Holy MessGood Shepherd by Amber of Through Hope's DoorMediator by Heather of Compared To Who?Prince of Peace by Rachael GilbertResurrection by Traci of Traces of FaithEmmanuel by Amaris of She is ReclaimedAlpha and Omega by Carmen of Married By His Grace Why is Jesus called the light of the world_ - Christ Centered Mama #christianity #Jesus #JesusChrist #christmas


Wonderful Counselor - Names of Christ Advent Series


What Does It Mean that Christ is "The Word"? Names of Christ Advent Series