7 Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 6:5-9

It's important to teach your children about God's Word... in fact we are called to talk about God's Word with our children in every available time. All day long. Does that seem radical to you? It's described in Deuteronomy 6:5-9. 

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. Always remember these commands I give you today. Teach them to your children, and talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them on your forehead to remind you, and write them on your doors and gates.”Deuteronomy 6:5-9

[bctt tweet="We are called to talk about God’s Word with our children in every available time. All day long. Does that seem radical to you? Check out Deuteronomy 6." username="christcentermom"] So what does this look like?How can this possibly happen in the 21st century?My husband is a family pastor, so it's his job to teach families how to accomplish this in their everyday lives. Here's some ideas that we have brainstormed together.We pray that you can take a tip or two and implement these practical ideas from Deuteronomy 6:5-9 today in your family, for God's glory.*If you purchase any of the resources from the below recommendations (or purchase anything using the search bar), I might receive a small commission from your purchase that will not affect your cost.  These commissions help fund the ministry of Christ-Centered Mama. Thanks for your support!*Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 6 Christian Parenting Homeschooling What does the Bible Say about Homeschooling Biblical motherhood advice So, without further ado, here's 7 Practical Tips to teach your children the Bible from Deuteronomy 6:5-9.   

Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 61. Talk about them when you sit at home (verse 7)

Whether or not you formally homeschool, the time you spend together at home should be a time of education and affection.Do you do family devotions? Try doing a daily or even a weekly devotion as a start. Your children should see their parents as spiritual teachers.Here's some family devotions in case you feel that God might be leading you to start a new family tradition, perhaps either at the dinner table or in the living room before bedtime. 

Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 62. Talk about them when you walk along the road (verse 7)

When you're going for a family walk or hike: Sing songs from Sunday School, your church's kid's club, or a favorite Christian movie or Christian TV show! Get your kids comfortable with singing songsFor car rides: How much do your kids LOVE music? Mine does. And they often memorize the songs that they hear, even the secular stuff.So why not have them memorize Scripture set to music? Here's some of my favorites, including a lullaby CD for naptime or sleepy car rides.  

Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 63. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up (verse 7)

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to implement this to bedtime prayers and wakeup prayers and devotions. I honestly do not pray with my child when he first wakes up because I usually have just woken up and never remember! But I would like to try to implement this idea as I think it would set a great tone for the day.Here's an example of a wake-up prayer and an example of a bedtime prayer.


Dear God, thank You for today! Thanks for the sun and clouds and for all of the ways that You provide for us. Thank You for loving us and we pray that as we play, learn, eat, and do our chores that we can be close to You all day long. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Dear Father, thank You for all of the ways that You provided for us today. Thank You for keeping us safe and for all of the things we learned today. Help us tomorrow as we go about our days. Thank You for sleep and help us to rest our bodies so we can serve You tomorrow. In Jesus' name, Amen.  

Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 64. Write them down (verse 7)

Writing things down instead of simply listening really improves retention.  Try doing memory notebooks with different Bible verses- perhaps a verse every week that the kids write 5 times a day. It will get in their heads in a special way. The brain processes things that we write down and retains them more effectively.If you aren't sure about a program to use with your kids, try these, including a flashcard game that might prove to be especially helpful for kids. 

Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 65. Tie them to your hands as a sign (verse 8)

Consider getting your child a bracelet that has Scripture on it! This isn't a very common practice, but what better way to memorize Bible verses than to see them throughout their days? Here's some products that I noticed on Amazon to get you brainstorming some ideas. 

Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 66. Tie them on your forehead (verse 8)

Some Jewish families took this literally and started strapping boxes (called phylacteries) to their foreheads. In fact, this continued even through the Pharisees (whom Jesus often criticized) often made them into large, ornate boxes out of self-superiority.See more: 6 Signs You Might Be A Pharisee & What You Should Do About ItIt appears Jesus did not wear a literal phylactery, but rather He condemned the practice of this as showing off a false spirituality.

"They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long..."-Jesus as recorded in Matthew 23:57 Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 6 Christian Parenting Homeschooling Unschooling for Preschool through High School What does the Bible Say about Homeschooling

 It seems Jesus did not approve of the literal application of this passage.It isn't a literal placement of a box on the head, but rather a plea to memorize the Word of God. In Exodus, God refers to it as a symbol for the importance of meditating on His Words.

"And it shall be to you as a sign on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth. For with a strong hand the Lord has brought you out of Egypt."Exodus 13:9

So. Memorize scripture with your children. Watch them grow in the knowledge of the Lord. It will be rewarding.Here are some Bibles that are age-appropriate for kids to read and learn from.  [bctt tweet="Memorize Scripture with your children. Watch them grow in the knowledge of the Lord. It will be rewarding." username="christcentermom"] 

Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 67. Write them on your doors and gates (verse 9)

Do you have Scripture art above your door? This doesn't have to be literal, but art like this will help you memorize God's Words and teach them to your children, so why not get all the help you can in those tasks? 

What about you?

Which of these 7 practical tips to teach your children the Bible do you think you can implement with your family? Which of these ideas are you currently doing with your family? What ideas would you add to this list?  

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