Husband of the Blogger- Benjamin Hardee


Have you ever seen How to Lose a Guy in 10 days? I have a weak spot for chick flicks and I loved it when it came out in 2003... but now I have a special appreciation for it and other journalist movies now that I am writing my own articles (or listicles ;) ) and Husband of the Blogger Link Up Christian Blog Marriageappreciate her commitment to her writing...I mean, going into a relationship just to break up for a magazine article? Crazy. Not necessarily something I want to model my life after- but makes me belly-laugh and cringe and reflect on my behavior as a wife.And I also appreciate her nicknaming abilities. I married a Ben- just like the hero in the movie. But I only call him Benny-boo-boo-boo in RARE INSTANCES. I promise.

Husband of the Blogger

Husband of the Blogger is a Christian Blogging linkup, visit of these ladies and learn about their mission and their husbands! Very encouraging!Rebekah Hargraves of Hargraves Home and HearthKayla Nelson of The Accidental Nomad LifeAmber Durgan of The Homemade HelpmeetCaitlin Schwanke of Flannelgraphs  Meet the Husband Blogger Link-up  So- here's my husband- (Benny-boo-boo-boo) in his own words.

What do you wish I knew about:


-What household tasks that are important to you?

"I like the house to be clean. Don't like piles of clothes in places. I think it's good to have a routine of things in the morning so that the house is ready to go. Making the bed is NOT important to me. What is important to me is making the bed messy."

-Your own space - when and why you need it?

"I don't think I need personal space very often."

-What refreshes you and speaks to your love language?

"Spending time and talking to people, and eating out at cool restaurants. I'm an extrovert so I get energized by spending time with people. My love languages are quality time and physical touch."

-Your childhood home?

"Well, it would have been cool if you could have been there, but that's not possible. I think it's more of an "I wish you could have known how I grew up" so you could understand why I am the way I am. I wish you could have seen my house and all of my friends."

-sexual intimacy and why it's so important

"I think you understand me really well on this. Love you." 😍 

Personal Application- tell me in the comments- what is your husband's love language?

 Husband of the Blogger- Personal Application- Liberty Grace Love 

That was fun!! :)

Thanks for joining and don't forget to head over to the other blogger's blogs and meet their husbands as well! This Husband of the Blogger series will happen next month too, Lord willing!

Love,  Sarah

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