8 Ways To Show Your Husband That You Love Him

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him God created marriage.It's a sacred covenant that is important to God.So important that the Bible uses marriage as a grand illustration of Christ's love for the church.And people watch Christian marriages more closely and with more criticism than marriages between non-believers.We are held to a higher standard.We should love each other deeply and continually learn how to improve our love.Here are some ideas on how you can hold up your end of the deal. :) 8 Ways To Show Your Husband That You Love Him Christ Centered Mama Christian Marriage Biblical Marriage Advice Practical Tips FB  

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#1- Pray With Him

Your Husband needs prayer from several people in his life, and since you are close to him, you know his needs more than most people. Pray for his:

  • Spiritual life
  • Marriage
  • Work
  • Leadership in the family and church


How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#2- Show Interest In His Interests

Don't you like it when your husband seems genuinely interested in an activity that you enjoy? Your husband likes it too! When you ask him to show you more about something that he is passionate about, your husband will light up!   

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#3- Make Him A Special Meal

I'm fortunate enough to know exactly what my husband's favorite meals are. His favorite recently has been these homemade BBQ meatballs that his mom used to make when he was growing up. She gave me the recipe and while I follow it almost exactly, he says that he likes the way that I make them more than her version! That's a major wife-win!   

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#4- Listen To Him

Confession: I never thought I would zone out when my husband was talking to me about something he was passionate about, but my mind wanders more than I'd like to admit! This is hurtful to my husband, and something that I am trying to improve in. Being intentional sometimes means a self-discipline and retraining your hurtful and selfish habits for the sake of a healthy marriage.See also: 8 Lies Satan Whispers To You About Your Marriage   

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#5- Massage

My husband works hard and almost always has a sore spot on him somewhere. His love language (Check out the book the 5 Love Languages if you've never read it!) is touch, so this works as a win/win! I get to express some love to him in a way that he needs it, and he gets to feel loved and appreciated.Depending on my time and mood, I will either use Vitamin E oil, some essential oils from a blend pack I bought on Amazon, or I will just rub on top of his shirt. He seems to appreciate it each time.  

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#6- A Well-Timed and Appropriate PDA

Your husband wants to look good in front of others, and he wants others to know that he has a good, affectionate marriage. A flirty look or phrase, a kiss on his cheek,  a pat or rub on his back, or holding his hand might make all of the difference.   

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#7- Compliment Him

Compliment your husband both in public and in private! He needs the boosts and will try to find these affirmations from you, or from someone else he respects. Let it be from you. (P.S., wives do the same thing! If we aren't getting complimented from our husbands, we will seek those affirmations from our kids, friends, coworkers or family.)See also: 5 Things Your Husband Needs To Hear Every Day  

How To Show Your Husband That You Love Him#8 - Sex

8 Ways To Show Your Husband That You Love Him Christ Centered Mama Christian Marriage Biblical Marriage Advice Practical Tips How to show your husband that you love himYou may or may not have the same sex drive as your husband... but there's no denying that for most men, sex is a physical and emotional need. A healthy and exciting sexual relationship will open the floodgates of openness and affection in most men. As the saying goes: men give affection to get sex and women give sex to get affection.People kind of scoff at that phrase, but I think it's part of God's design! He made us to complement each other, and we can serve our husbands and show them that we love them if we make the marriage bed a holy place.

“Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” 1 Corinthians 7:5


Marriage for the purpose of God's Glory

Intentionally treasuring your husband might seem foreign to you, and it's definitely foreign to unbelievers. Christian marriages should be the strongest, most faithful, and most passionate of any marriages. Looking for ways to grow closer to your husband will be a lifelong journey, and I hope that I could point you in a new direction, and encourage you to reach out to your husband for God's glory!  

What about you?

How does your husband feel loved? What tips would you add to this list?  *These Amazon links are provided because I genuinely like these products! If you choose to buy these, I might be able get a small commission at no additional cost to you.*


Bible Verses About Marriage and Love


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