Back to School Prayers for 2020

Back to school is always a stressful time, but it seems even more so in 2020. Join me in praying for their health, friendships and protection.

Back to school 2020 will be a time where we need to bathe our children in prayer. Join me in asking for God's protection, physically, and in their health. Join me in asking for God's guidance in their growth and relationships. Praying for your children is an incredibly powerful gift from God. I pray these Back to school 2020 prayers will bless you and your family.

Back to school prayers 2020 - general protection

That my child would be protected by God and His angels

For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Psalm 91:11

Thank you, Lord for Your perfect protection over our children. Thank You for Your Word that says that You will command Your angels to guard our family in all our ways. Keep my child safe. Protect them from any physical harm while they are in school. Father, may my child stand strong against anyone who seeks to harm them in any way, emotionally or physically. Give my child Your perfect strength. I thank You for Your Word that says no weapon formed against them will prosper. Guard their hearts and minds as they make new friends and new relationships. Father, please let hurtful words or comments not take root in their souls. Guide my child today and every day.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Back to School Prayers 2020 - Christ Centered Mama

Back to school Prayers 2020 - Coronavirus

That my child would be healthy and safe in the midst of COVID-19

Father God,
Thank you for Your creation of our bodies. Thank You for the gift of my child. I pray that you cover them in Your full armor. I pray for their health and safety. Father, let the school administrators prepare a healthy and safe environment for them to learn in. I pray that they are physically, emotionally, and medically safe in this upcoming school year. Father, please allow my child to spread truth and hope in the midst of these uncertain and worrying times. Protect my child from any and all viruses and illnesses through Your power.
In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Back to School Prayers 2020 - Christ Centered Mama - COVID-19 Coronavirus

Back to School Prayers 2020 - Friendships

That my child would have wise friendships and healthy relationships

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.

Proverbs 13:20

Father, I thank you for the gift of friendships. You know my child better than anyone. Allow my child to spread truth and love, like a city on a hill. God, place my child in the right paths, with the right teacher and peers. Father, allow my child to learn in a healthy environment and to show others the hope that You give them.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Back to School Prayers 2020 - Christ Centered Mama - Relationships

Back to School Prayers 2020 - Work

That my child would work hard

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24 NLT

Lord, Thank you for my child's heart, soul, and mind. Allow my child to live life with passion and that they would be able to work hard and listen well to their instruction. When they get weary, help me to encourage them and lift them up, but also know when to help them to push through. I pray above all else this year that they would begin to understand that the work they do is to praise You and tell others about you through their testimony.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Back to School Prayers 2020 - Christ Centered Mama - Work Hard

Back to School Prayers 2020

That my child would be passionate

As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.

Psalm 42:1

Lord, I pray that my child will develop a passion for the things of God. I pray they will seek after You with their whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. I pray that they would seek to know You and Your Word. Let them see Your love for them. May they spread that love to everyone they interact with. Pursue my child and allow them to feel Your rich and everlasting love. Let them live with passion that comes from a full and rich life. May my child pursue their studies with a knowledge to know You more and to honor You with their life.
In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Back to School Prayers 2020 - Passionate

Back to School 2020 Prayers

Homeschool Moms

If you are choosing to homeschool your children for the first time ever this semester, check out this post: 5 Tips for the New Homeschool Mom

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