A Prayer For When You're Waiting On God

Are you currently waiting on God? You feel burdened and weak, and want to talk with God about it, but aren't sure you have the right words? Just like the Psalmist, we need to speak with God in honesty, and tell Him our struggles. If you need a simple prayer for when you're waiting on God, you've come to the right place.Maybe you're waiting on healing, waiting to hear God's voice, or waiting for restoration in your marriage. Maybe you're pregnant and waiting for a precious new baby to make her appearance. Or perhaps your husband is searching for a new job, or you've been house-shopping for months, with no end in sight.Waiting is uncomfortable. In transition times, we can grow really weary waiting. We can grow doubtful of God's goodness. In our weak moments, we might even wonder if God has moved on and left us... wondered if maybe God has forgotten.The Psalmist knew that place of waiting as well. His cry of "How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? (13:1) is one that resonates with my heart in waiting, and yours, too.The Psalmist cried out to the Maker of time and space in a simple prayer and so should we.When you wait, pray. God uses our wait for His glory. And when we wait on Him, He will renew our strength. 

Isaiah 40:31 -"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." 

See also: 12 Things the Holy Spirit Does For You  

A Prayer for When You are Waiting on God

 Father God, I come before you with a burden. Sometimes I feel anxious about when You'll answer my prayers. I am waiting and don't know what steps you're calling me to take first. Father, please give me Your peace. I want Your peace, but if I'm honest... more than that, I wish I had Your answers.  I am tense and uncertain about what I should be doing and what Your will is for me. Really, I want to believe that You have it all under control, and that You are answering my prayers. Sometimes I am so weary from waiting, God, but I want to believe that You are using this for Your glory and my good.I know that You've never left me and you will never forsake me. You know my thoughts. You know my needs. In the Psalms it says that You've collected each of my tears in a bottle. (Psalm 56:8)You know my circumstances perfectly and You know what will happen next. All things are in your control and nothing can happen apart from Your will. You're never surprised. Thank You for that truth.Give me more faith, and give me a deep understanding of your power and your overwhelming love for me.In Jesus' Name, Amen.Thank you for reading this prayer for when you're waiting on God! I hope that you are able to draw closer to the Father because of it. Please let me know how I can serve you here.

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How To Thrive When God Asks You To Wait


Introducing The Dwell Journal