5 Things You Need To Know About SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO), is a set of rules for optimizing your website for search engines and improve your search engine rankings.
Search Engines want to provide the best quality results to their users, and do so by scanning the pages that they might deliver their users to in the future. When you optimize your website or blog, you’re letting Google know that they are safe on your site and that you will provide the user with what they are looking for.

1. You Need to Know The Basics

SEO uses various strategies to increase the amount of visitors to your blog by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

A proper SEO strategy makes a website rank in the first page of a Google web search. (And I'm not talking about googling your name… I'm talking about phrases that someone might actually use to get to you!)

People generally scan just the first results page, but they might get to the second page. Your goal should be to have several pages hitting in the first page of relevant search queries.

2. You need to know that Google wants you to link to other sites.

Don't be stingy with your links. When you write an article about Christian Marriage, link to another article that backs up what you're saying. It helps them and it's going to help you.

Of course, you should only link out to content pages that offer true value to your readers.

When you link to a large blogger's article, email them and tell them that you did. They are pretty likely to read your words, and if your post is valuable, they can link back to you, or they might share the post on social media. They might even send the link to their email list. You could easily get substantial traffic from it.

Besides, there's a reason scholarly books have huge bibliographies. When you quote someone, people trust you more. It's like you're borrowing their genius and networking for yourself.

It works.

In quoting others, we cite ourselves.

Julio Cortazar

3. You need to know that SERPS prioritize longer posts

Shareable posts are over 1,000 words. There's a higher chance you're actually connecting to and helping your audience when you write longer articles.

Longer content (try 2,500 to 3,000 words!) attracts more shares than short posts. In fact, more words means more opportunities for Search Engine Optimization. This means a higher conversion rate.

But ultimately it means that you are an authority on your subject. Google ranks by several factors, all trying to determine authority and helpfulness.

Write for a human. Help solve their problem. Google will notice.

See also: Common Facebook Blog Page Mistakes for Bloggers and Business Owners

4. You Need To Be Doing Keyword Research

Jaaxy is an amazing tool to help you see what you should be focusing your time on.

Jaaxy will take your writing and make it appear on the first page by giving you the best key phrases (long tail keywords) that you can imagine. This tool revolutionized my SEO game and I need to share it with you. Use my link to get 30 free searches, no credit card required, just amazing keywords that will bring you traffic every single day.

Use my special link to get 30 free searches to get an idea of what posts will bring you traffic.

Your goal is to find posts that will bring a high monthly traffic with low competition.

Jaaxy is a one-of-a-kind longtail keyword search tool because it will tell you things that Google doesn't publish to the public, such as:
• How many people are searching for the Keyword?
• How many competitors are competing for the Keyword?
• What are the chances that your article will get top rankings in the search engines?

Basically the things that you MOST wish you knew and understood about SEO, Jaaxy can tell you.

Thirty (30) Free Searches through this link.

Once you search through Jaaxy and find a key phrase with Great in the KQI and a decent monthly traffic estimate, write your article.

5. You need to have a fast website.

Walmart found that for every second they took off their load time, they had 2% better sales.

47% of people expect for a website to load in 2 seconds or less.

If it doesn't, they will click away.

Google sees that, and they determine that your site is not worth recommending to people.

Site Speed might be the single most important aspect of SEO marketing.

To check your blog load time, go to Google itself. Click on each of the results that are ranked in the red, and most have tips and links to help.

Do this regularly so that you can keep up with the countless algorithm changes that Google implements each year.


What about you?

What's your blog? Leave it below in the comments.

What SEO tips do you want to share?


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