5 Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility

This post- 5 Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility, is a guest post from a friend of mine, Madison Weaver. I personally struggle with PCOS and Insulin Resistance as well, and am excited to share her thoughts on what the Bible says about infertility with you all. Check out her links at the end of the post!__________________________________________________________________________ Infertility is heartbreaking in so many ways, and with it comes so many different emotions. Years of seeing negative tests and wondering when it will finally be your turn can take your heart and twist it inside out. The emotions will hit you out of nowhere, like when you’re walking through Walmart and pass the baby clothes aisle and it makes you want to burst into tears right there in the middle of the store.  5 Bible Verses To Give You Hope While Struggling With Infertility Christ Centered Mama Christian Faith Biblical Praying for Fertility FB My husband, Steven, and I have been trying to conceive for almost 2 years. Last May, we finally decided to see a doctor and figure out what was going on with my body. I was then diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and was told that I was more than likely not ovulating. I was devastated; this confirmed my worst fear. Does this mean I will never have kids? How long will I have to try if it IS possible? What if my dream of being a mother never comes true?  Since then, Steven and I have had a lot of ups and downs in our life. There were times when we felt like God had abandoned us. We felt as though all of our dreams were being crushed in our hands and that they would never come to life. We still feel this way sometimes, and while I pray fervently asking God to allow me the gift of motherhood, I  sometimes feel like He isn’t hearing my prayer. See also: Why You Should Not Listen To Your Heart If you are struggling (or have struggled) with infertility, you know exactly how I feel. But sweet friend, let me encourage you (and myself) today that God does hear your prayer. He knows how much you want children of your own, He put that desire in you and He will fulfill it! You may not want to hear this right now (I know I never do!), but He might not make it come to pass the way you planned or happen when you want it to happen, but God loves you and wants what is best for you! He will never place a desire in your heart and not fulfill it. He is the God that meets all of our needs!  So, how do you have comfort in all of the waiting and praying and wishing? How do you hear God’s voice when you’re drowning in your own doubts? Run to His Word.  See also: How to Hear God's Voice Today- 6 Practical Tips [bctt tweet="5 Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility" username="christcentermom"]  

Hope for the hopeless

Here are 5 verses to give you hope while struggling with infertility. They have encouraged me on my darkest days and drawn me close to God’s love when I felt like my world was falling apart. I hope they can encourage you as well! 

Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility - Number 1

“He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 113:9

 This is the verse that gives me the most hope of all. I love that it directly addresses “the barren woman” and how God made a miracle out of her! This gives me comfort knowing that God can also turn my wishing and hoping into a living, breathing miracle if I just have faith in Him, even though it is hard at times.   

Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility - Number 2

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

 This has always been one of my favorite verses. It’s amazing how when I think I just can’t go on anymore, God shows me this verse and reminds me that I’m his child and I can do anything because He gives me the strength. Just when I think that I can’t continue trying and praying for a child after taking the 5th negative pregnancy test this month, He wraps His arms around me and gives me the strength to try just one more time.   

Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility - Number 3

“Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.” Genesis 25:21

 I just recently discovered this verse and I absolutely loved it as soon as I heard it. I love the fact that Rebekah’s husband interceded for her in prayer and fervently asked for the Lord to give her a child. How precious is that? Because of Isaac’s faithfulness, God blessed him with a child. My husband is SO wonderful at covering me in prayer, and this verse reminds me to choose to believe that God hears Him and will give us the desires of our heart in HIS time. See also: 8 Lies Satan Whispers To You About Your Marriage  

Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility - Number 4

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5

 It’s hard to surrender our ways to His, 5 Bible Verses To Give You Hope While Struggling With Infertility Christ Centered Mama Christian Faith Biblical Praying for Fertilityisn’t it? Especially when it comes to infertility. When nothing seems fair or when God seems like He’s not on our side, the last thing we want to do is commit our way to Him. But knowing that this verse says “He shall bring it to pass” gives me so much hope that His ways are much better than mine!       

Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility - Number 5

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

 It has taken me a long time to actually pray as if God has already guaranteed that my prayers will be answered. It’s definitely a hard thing to do for obvious reasons. We can’t see the future, so we don’t know what God has in store for our lives. But if we know that He works all things for our good (Romans 8:28),  we can trust that He will give us what we need/want if it lines up with His will and way.    

Bible Verses to Give You Hope While Struggling with Infertility...What about you?

Have you struggled with infertility, or are you praying through infertility now?What are your favorite verses of hope that help you as you struggle with infertility?  

About the Author

Madison Weaver is a 20-year-old wife and fur mommy. She is a blogger and business owner at Ways of the Weavers, where she helps wives create the home of their dreams through DIY crafts and home decor, delicious family-friendly recipes, Christian marriage and family advice, money-saving tips, and family travel ideas. You can also find her at Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.



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