3 Reasons to Lay Down Your Conspiracy Theories

Is the world being controlled by a ancient secret society?Is the government poisoning the American public with mass doses of fluoride?Are Monsanto and other food conglomerates knowingly poisoning humanity each and every day?Or maybe you proudly describe yourself as a “crunchy mama” or a “gentle mama” or “essential oil mama”. 

Let's talk about Christians promoting alternative lifestyles and conspiracy theories.

Sisters, it's time to lay down our conspiracy theories and alternative lifestyle soapboxes for Christ.Yes, the world is unfair.Things are rigged for the powerful.Yes, some of these conspiracy theories might even be true.Some alternative lifestyles might be better for your family.But...we all have ONE great calling to fulfill in our relationships and one deceiver who has successfully been lying to us, even when the world was perfect.

A fallen world

God made the earth perfectly. The Garden of Eden was God's perfect plan for His children, a place where we would be in complete communion with Him, with no sin, no corruption, and no hurt or pain. But when given the choice, both Eve and Adam choose to disobey God because the forbidden fruit was “pleasing to the eyes, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom”.

“You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5

Satan's first (and perhaps most commonly used) trick is making someone believe they can obtain special knowledge if they will only listen to what he whispers in their ears.This is Satan's gospel message: “listen to me and I will give you special knowledge”.If he can, Satan will always lead you to believe that God got 99.9 percent right, but you can't trust Him for the rest. For the rest, you need to trust him instead.Does Satan have any true special knowledge? No. He is a created being and doesn't share God's qualities of omniscience, omnipresence, or omnipotence. 

But here's what Satan does know.

He knows that God's people can be persuaded and distracted from the truth.And he does just that, every day.Satan is the prince of this world. He knows how to speak the words to us that will make us indulge in our flesh and ignore the Holy Spirit.Satan works to advance his cause – rebellion and independence from God – by any means possible.While we Christians are attempting to live in a holy manner, and while we might be raising awareness for our convictions to our acquaintances and neighbors, we might actually be hurting the cause of Christ.  

Reason #1 to lay down your conspiracy theories:When we tout conspiracy theories, we make the cause of Christ seem false or silly.

Satan whispers to us, “you know the real, dark truth now” and in our pride, we are happy that we are privy to what MOST of our friends would never learn or believe.It's pride.And there's nothing more silly than someone who is proud of themselves for no good reason.Sisters, we need to look at our messages and determine which messages are eternally-minded and which are self-focused.The Pharisees tried to make Christ look as ridiculous as possible, but He always responded with a question that made them look at their own hearts.Let's look at our hearts today.See also: 6 Signs You Might Be A Pharisee & What You Should Do About It  

Reason #2 to lay down your conspiracy theories:When we tout conspiracy theories, we are known for that instead of being known for Christ.

How many of us are known more for our distrust of the medical community rather than our allegiance to Christ?How many of us are more well-known as “alternative” or maybe even as the “natural mama” rather than “follower of Christ”?Paul was radical in his orthodox Jewish beliefs before he met Christ. So much so that he even killed those who claimed be Christians. He not only gave up his Jewish beliefs, but he became as “one without the Law” (a gentile) in order that he might “win those without the law”.Paul became as a gentile in order to win people to Christ. He gave up his identity to win as many souls to Jesus as he possibly could. He wrote:

“To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” 1 Corinthians 9:22 

Wow!In our relationships, let's become all things to all people so that by all possible means we might save even one soul.This means the natural mama might lay down her concerns about Red 40 (just once) in order to build a friendship with someone new in the neighborhood or a visitor to her church.This means the anti-vax mama can speak with people in the medical community with respect, in order that one person might be encouraged by her testimony.Whatever we can do, whoever we can transform into for a few hours, it's all worth it for Christ.(Side note, but this is why I started a Christian blog with zero experience one day in November 2016.) 

Reason #3 to lay down your conspiracy theories:The Bible advises us that we most glorify God when we focus on what's pure and lovely.

I'm not saying that your theory isn't true. It might be. And we are supposed to focus on the things that are true. But does it meet the other tests of a Christian's thought life?“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things.”

Cities on a hill

In this unfair, cruel, broken world, we are the cities on a hill. We are the beacons of hope for those who are living in darkness.Let's bond with our sisters in Christ, even if it means allowing our kids to drink something with High Fructose Corn Syrup while visiting a new friend's house. Let's speak to our acquaintances about Christ and His grace at every appropriate moment by any means possible.By temporarily laying down our conspiracy theories and alternative lifestyles, we'll mend broken hearts and build bridges.When we broaden our social circles and promote the cause of Christ by any means possible, the world will be one soul's worth less broken.And one soul... is worth it all. 3 Reasons to lay down your conspiracy theories - Christ Centered Mama #christianity #crunchymama #crunchy #naturalliving #Jesus #JesusChrist

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